that's ikea? seriously? thanks apt. therapy - again! (www.ikea.com)
• Allison's Playful Chinoiserie Modern showcased a simple and glamorous update to IKEA's $10 VIKA LERBERG trestle legs. Just giving them a coat of gold spray paint made them the perfect base to her elegant vanity.
• VIKA LERBERG trestle legs take on a totally different feel in Erin and Chris's Fantastic Fishtown Fixxer-Upper where they topped the legs with old joists salvaged from their building.
• IKEA's EXPEDIT bookcase seems to be a staple in many an Apartment Therapy home, however Ashley and Robert put a unique twist on the clean-lined workhorse by affixing decorative brackets from Anthropologie in the corners to make it better suit the vibe of their Streamlined Bohemian Home.
Images: 1, 3: Leah Moss of Allison's Playful Chinoiserie Modern and Ashley & Robert's Streamlined Bohemian, 2: Kristen Lubbe of Erin & Chris's Fantastic Fishtown Fixer Upper
LVAC: Multiplicity Art Show, December 10, 2010, Louisville, KY
More is more in LVAC's newest exhibition: Multiplicity. Through painting, drawing, sculpture, installation, and photography, artists investigate multiple frames and parts, multiple aspects of the same subject, and multiple points of view. Many of the artists in this exhibition have expanded the idea of multiplicity by creating series, sequences, and images that comprise numerous parts. They explore repetition, pairing, and variations on a theme as artistic strategies.
Opening reception: Friday, Dec 10th, 6-9
Closing reception:Friday, January, 7th
A complete list of artists will be compiled soon. Below is the Multiplicity list of artists at press time:
Linda Akers
Lisa Austin
Jeremy Dixon
Erin Fitzgerald
Derek Gregory
Rebecca Jackson
Jarrod Lee
Keith Linton
Joan Hogan Moser
Tony Perez
Brian Stastny
Alexandra Roisen-Tash
2932 Cleveland Boulevard
Louisville, KY 40206
For more details and location visit the Facebook page at: Louisville Visual Arts Council
cool website with cool gifts for cool people (and they keep stealing MY ideas!)
vintage globes - why are they so cool? i truly have no idea - but they are...

a good one for the collection!
Spooky Sips from NYC and Travel and Leisure!
¼ cup ice
Hocus Pocus - Served up at the new Forty Four at the Royalton Hotel, this upscale cocktail is best served by one of the hotel bar's skilled mixologists, or at least someone in a mixologist costume (send us those photos please!).
1 3/4 oz Beefeater Gin
L'Orange Pumpkin Carver (above) - Created at the Paramount Hotel, this meal-in-a-glass kind of drink has a whole day's worth of carbs. Just save room for candy corn.
1 part fresh lemon juice
Pumpkin Punch - At Kastel in Trump Soho, Halloween revelers can sip on this orange elixer that's the color of some (*cough*) celebrity skin-tones.
Charlotte Savino is Travel + Leisure's Listings Editor.
Photos courtesy of Avenue Hotel and Paramount Hotel.
chinese stools - apartment therapy facinates again!!!
believe it or not, barrel- or drum-shaped garden stools have been used in China for at least 1,000 years. they may have evolved out of the Buddhist garden tradition, where natural elements like tree stumps and smooth rocks were used as seats.
the antique stools that are still extant tend to be from the late Ming Dynasty — early 17th century — and later, and they have a range of decoration, including fretwork, relief decoration, and pierced motifs. one common decoration is simulated nailheads, often around the upper and lower parts of the barrel form. the nailhead motif is left over from ancient Chinese drums, which had wood bodies with skins stretched over each end and affixed with nails. although they've been around over 1000 years, in the USA they have gained popularity only in the last and current century.
you can find stools locally at thomasville, ethan allen and other fine furniture stores. or on line at www.wisteria.com and www.chinese-furniture.com.
ARTfordable Show at LVAC October 15 and 16, 2010
You can find LVAC on Facebook at Louisville Visual Arts Collective or email them at: lvacgallery@yahoo.com
ARTforable Show
October 15; 6 - 10 pm
October 16; 1-6 pm
2932 Cleveland Boulevard
Louisville, KY 40206
502 939 1164